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Neglect can happen for many reasons and is not always intentional. Understanding the reasons for neglect means professionals respond according to the family situation.
Neglect can happen in many families, and it is important not to prejudge a family based on factors such as socioeconomic status, family dynamic, employment status, educational status etc. There are, however, some factors that make certain families more susceptible to children experiencing neglect.
Being around domestic abuse is very damaging to a child, even when the abused parent does all that they can to keep the child safe. Children and young people may experience domestic abuse both directly and indirectly, for example not getting the care and support they need from their parents or carers as a result of the abuse.
See our domestic abuse pages for more information on how you can support survivors of domestic abuse.
Parental substance can lead to neglectful situations, for example if a parent is intoxicated and unable to take care of their child appropriately. Parents and carers who misuse substances can have chaotic, unpredictable lifestyles and may struggle to recognise and meet their children’s needs. This may result in their children being at risk of harm.
See our page on alcohol and drugs services and support for further information and advice.
Poor mental health can include depression and anxiety disorders. Poor mental health that goes untreated can prevent parents from being able to look after their children properly. It can also cause parents to withdraw from their child or be quicker to anger. It is important to note that mental illness is not something to fear or demonise. Seeking care for the parent can often help reverse this situation.
See our pages on mental health for more support.
Some parents don’t have the knowledge to be good parents. This could be apparent in very young parents, or parents who were neglected themselves as children. It is sometimes assumed that everybody knows how to be a parent, and that is not the case. Parenting classes, support groups and therapy can be great resources for these parents. Neglect isn’t always a choice, it is sometimes simply a lack of knowledge and understanding, but that doesn’t mean it can be left unresolved.
See our pages on available parenting programmes through our Start for Life offer and our Family Hubs.
Parenting is very stressful. If parents have a stressful job (or are stressed about period of unemployment), relationship issues, financial difficulties, or any other stress-inducing situations, this can inadvertently lead to neglect. This often appears in the form of emotional neglect as parents are simply too busy to give the child the time they require. In these situations, it is key to point parents in the direction of support agencies to ease their situation.
See our pages on available programmes for parents who are stressed and anxious through our Start for Life offer and our Family Hubs, and see information on Talking Therapies available free on the NHS.