Flipside youth group

Safe space for LGBTQ+ young people.

Join us

Complete the Flipside consent form

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Do you identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Pansexual, Asexual, Non-Binary or Questioning your sexual orientation and/or gender?

Flipside is a youth group for young people aged 11 to 19 (up to 25 for people with SEN) who identify as LGBTQ+.

You don’t have to COME OUT to come IN.

If you want a space where you can be you, to express yourself freely and without judgement then Flipside is for you!

Ask the questions you want answers to, make friends, and explore what being LGBTQ+ means to you with an open and supportive group of people!

We have guests come and run workshops including creative writing, poetry, cooking, yoga and meditation, dance; LGBTQ+ people come and talk about their life experiences, we go on trips and outings: locally - bowling, cinema, mini golf, Broadway theatre, London - inc. taking part in Pride in London parade, galleries, museums, parks and further afield.

Useful links

Trans and Non-Binary Specific

Free2B (free2b-alliance.org.uk)

Guide for parents and carers of trans and non-binary young people - Parent-Guide-Download.pdf (free2b-alliance.org.uk)

Homepage - Mermaids

Gendered Intelligence

LGBTQ+ inclusive

Families Together London

Stonewall | Acceptance without exception

elop : : holistic lesbian and gay centre

The Proud Trust

LGBT Youth Scotland

UKBP (ukblackpride.org.uk)

Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons' Trust

Youth | METRO Charity

Sexual Health

Welcome to 56 Dean Street - STI Screening, PrEP and HIV Services

BISH - Sex, Love, You, and Your Questions Answered (bishuk.com)

Positive East – Providing better futures for HIV positive people for 25 years

Come Correct - Pan London C-Card Scheme

Educational and fun

It's Pronounced Metrosexual: Gender, Sexuality, & Social Justice - Easy to understand information about gender & sexuality (and social justice too) including Edugraphics (fab illustrations) to help understand gender, biological sex and attraction - The Genderbread Personhow to spot unhealthy relationships and what to do and not to do when someone comes out to you

Contact us


Rohan Hyett - 07955404363, rohan.hyett@lbbd.gov.uk 

Grace Kihu - 07875993500 | grace.kihu@lbbd.gov.uk

Heather McKelvey - 07968511930 | heather.mckelvey@lbbd.gov.uk

Instagram is @Flipside_ldn