
The Wall of Shame logo
Bed-lam in east London as mattress fly-tippers are caught and fined

There were sleepless nights recently for a pair of mattress dumping fly-tippers in Barking and Dagenham, as they were both fined following a council sting operation.

The pair received fines totalling an eye-watering £1,200, with one receiving a £400 fine and the other receiving two fines totalling £800.

Shockingly, one of the people fined owns a local furniture shop which sells mattresses, whilst the other was identified by their own tenant who lives nearby.

27 August 2021
Seized cigarettes
Trading Standards confiscate thousands of illegal cigarettes from Dagenham business

A local business in Dagenham has been caught selling illicit cigarettes after Trading Standards Officers received a tip off from a suspicious resident. 

It was certainly bad luck for the business, located on Rainham Road South, last Friday (13 August) when officers raided the premises and found 10,800 illegal cigarettes, with a street value of more than £5000. The cigarettes were in batches of 20 and totalled 540 packets.

19 August 2021
girl getting exam results
GCSE Results Day 2021: Barking and Dagenham students celebrate grades

Students across Barking and Dagenham had reason to celebrate today as they picked up their GCSE results. 

Once again, students in the borough had plenty to be proud of, as they achieved some of the top grades in the country. 

For the second year running, exams were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Teachers awarded grades using marked assignments, coursework, and mock exam results as part of a robust framework to ensure fairness and accuracy in line with government guidance.

12 August 2021
A-Level results day 2021 in Barking and Dagenham
A-Level Results Day 2021: Second year of no exams as Barking and Dagenham students celebrate their grades

There have been celebrations across Barking and Dagenham today as students picked up their A-Level results, after exams were cancelled for a second year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Students in the borough achieved some of the top grades in the country, with young people securing places to further their studies at some of the most prestigious universities in the world such as Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, and Imperial College London.

10 August 2021
Council enforcement team keep residents safe throughout coronavirus pandemic

From the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, the number one priority for Barking and Dagenham Council has been to keep residents as safe as possible and, unfortunately that has meant taking enforcement action against some individuals and businesses. 

Since the start of the first lockdown in March last year, council enforcement officers have been on the frontline working with and providing advice to businesses to ensure that they were following the rules set by the government.

9 August 2021
Healthy lifestyle
East London council is one of 11 to benefit from Government funding to tackle obesity

Children and families across Barking and Dagenham are set to benefit from a number of new initiatives to help them achieve a healthy weight and boost their wellbeing thanks to an injection of funds from the government.

We are one of 11 councils to receive funding to support the expansion of our child weight management service. We bid for and were awarded a total of £465,000.

9 August 2021
Mayor presenting a cheque
Former Mayor raises over £35,000 for local charities

Two local charities have been given cheques worth thousands of pounds after a two-year fundraising drive by a former mayor.

Councillor Peter Chand, who held the ceremonial position as Mayor for Barking and Dagenham between 2019 and 2021, attended a presentation at Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club on Thursday, 29 July.

I would like to thank everyone who donated to my two chosen charities. The past 18 months have been difficult for us all and I’m honoured to have had so much support during this tough time.

6 August 2021