
oscar trampoline L-R Oscar's mum, Oscar Birch, Demi Hunt
Jumping for joy! Student given mini trampoline to help with mobility

A pupil at Trinity School, in Dagenham, has been awarded a mini trampoline by the Charles Ronayne Foundation.

Oscar Birch, who is seven years old, was born with a visual impairment as well as severe learning difficulties. Following a marked improvement in his mobility, Trinity School contacted the Charles Ronayne Foundation to secure funding for a mini trampoline he could use. The trampoline can be used in class to help further develop his balance and motor skills.

4 March 2020
Mr Mahmood with his award
Local hero dad receives Leader's Recognition Award

Local hero Artan Mahmood, who recently saved a child from an attack by a dog, has had his bravery recognised by being honoured with a Leader’s Recognition Award from Councillor Darren Rodwell, Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council.

The incident for which Mr Mahmood was given the award saw him save his neighbours’ six-year-old son from a vicious dog attack in November, with no regard for his own safety.

The student Mr Mahmood saved, Arjun, is a classmate of one of Mr Mahmood’s own children.

3 March 2020
Open Corner
Dagenham pupils spruce up their local area

The area near a local primary school has been transformed, thanks to the vision of its pupils. 

Students from Thomas Arnold Primary School were unhappy with how some areas around their school looked and wanted to make a change by creating a community garden.     

The children constantly talked about how it was upsetting to see people continuously dropping litter and making their school grounds look messy, so they decided to do something about it.   

3 March 2020
school equipment
More than three quarters of young people given preferred secondary school place, smashing the London average

More than three quarters of young people given preferred secondary school place, smashing the London average

More than three in four young people in Barking and Dagenham will attend their first preference secondary school from September this year.

Figures show that out of 3,381 applications, 2,627 (77.67 per cent) of 10 and 11-year-olds have been offered their first preference, smashing the capital’s average of 68.30 per cent. 

3 March 2020
Police crackdown in Barking Town Centre

A number of people were arrested following an operation by the Safer Neighbourhood Police Team to tackle crime in Barking Town Centre. 

The operation, which took place on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February was set up by the police to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the centre of Barking. 

In total, police officers stopped and searched 10 different individuals and arrested people for robbery, grievous bodily harm and a breach of a Court Order. 

28 February 2020
Council leader calls for fairer funding for east London borough

Councillor Darren Rodwell, Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council, is calling on the government to give local councils a fair funding deal following a tour he has made of the home counties recently.

Cllr Rodwell’s video highlights what the government’s Fair Funding Formula review could mean for Barking & Dagenham compared to places like Hampshire, Surrey and Kent. He concludes, everyone is being short-changed.  

26 February 2020
Cosy Homes
Council launches Cosy Homes scheme to help residents save money

Barking and Dagenham residents could benefit from a warmer home this winter through the council’s Cosy Homes Scheme.

The council is working in partnership with E.ON energy and J&J Crump installers to help eligible residents make their homes warmer and cheaper to heat by offering free energy saving measures including cavity wall, party wall and loft insulation, and in some cases replacement boilers or new heating systems.

25 February 2020
Eastbury Community School students celebrate NSPCC Number Day
Barking students ranked number one on NSPCC Number Day 2020

Eastbury Community School in Barking recently celebrated NSPCC Number Day for the first time.

The event saw pupils don fancy dress and get involved with lots of fun maths- based games.

Number Day is a maths-inspired fundraising day organised by the children’s charity, the NSPCC. It aims to get children inspired by maths, whilst raising money for worthy causes. In total, pupils managed to raise a massive £300.

24 February 2020
Eva Hart Plaque
Titanic survivor commemorated with new commemorative plaque in a Dagenham Park

Barking and Dagenham Council remembers Titanic survivor and former local resident, Eva Hart, by renewing a commemorative plaque in St. Chad’s Park in Dagenham. 

Eva Hart’s life was marked with a tree, which was planted shortly after her death in 1996 along with a commemorative plaque. Over time, the plaque became damaged from the elements and a member of the British Titanic Society who became concerned about it asked if it could be replaced.

24 February 2020